
What Colors Do German Angora Rabbits Come In

Light Grey German Angora Rabbit

The German Angora rabbit is ane of 11 breeds of long pilus rabbit that you tin keep equally a pet or farm for its long fur chosen Angora Wool. They shear the animals so it doesn't hurt them to remove the wool, and it prevents the rabbits from ingesting the pilus, which could cause blockages in their digestive system. Rabbit fur causes fewer allergic reactions than the hair on other animals, so information technology's amend tolerated as clothing and as a pet.


Quick Facts about German Angora Rabbit

Species Name: Lagomorpha
Family unit: Angora-Kaninchen
Intendance Level: Moderate to High
Temperature: Moderate
Temperament: Docile, friendly, affectionate
Color Form: White, Monochromatic, Agouti
Lifespan: 7 – 12 years
Size: Large
Diet: Veggies, fruits, rabbit pellets
Minimum Tank Size: 30″ X 36″ X 24″
Tank Prepare-Up: Food, H2o, Nest Box

German Angora Overview

The High german Angora arrived in the 1960s when breeders tried to get more fur from the English Angora. Selective breeding created the German Angora, which produced 2000 grams of hair annually compared to the English Angoras 200 grams per yr. Even though it has much more fur, the American Rabbit Breeders Association does non recognize the German Angora as a unique brood and lumps information technology in with the English Angora. However, it does belong to the International Association of German Angora Rabbit Breeders.


How Much Practice German Angora Cost?

The German language Angora rabbit volition unremarkably cost between $50 and $120, depending on where y'all become it. Pet stores tend to toll less, merely the lineage is often obscured, and you probably won't exist able to find out the rabbit's wellness history. A breeder will be more expensive, but they often run tests to ensure the rabbit is free from genetic defects and their skills assistance produce a healthier pet with a longer lifespan.

Typical Beliefs & Temperament

The German Angora is a loving animal that is very docile and enjoys lounging effectually. They enjoy staying indoors or outdoors and like to play with their owners. Children will love their extra fluffy fur, and it doesn't mind if you bear it around as long every bit you lot handle information technology gently. You tin can also pet them without fear of being bitten, intelligent enough to learn to use a litter box, and will come when yous call them.

Appearance & Varieties

The German Angora is a large rabbit with plenty of hair. Information technology tin typically weigh between 5 and 12 pounds merely usually stays closer to 6 or seven pounds, peculiarly if you lot don't overfeed information technology. The white albino glaze is the most pop, only y'all tin can observe them in several monochromatic colors as well, including chocolate-brown and black. There is also a diverseness with the tortoiseshell design of colors and others with agouti and chinchilla markings.


How to Take Care of German Angora Rabbits

The High german Angora does non shed, so y'all will not see hair all over the house, simply yous will demand to comb it regularly to keep it free from tangles and knots. You volition also demand to shear the rabbit every iii months to prevent the pilus from getting out of control. You will too need to prune the nails regularly and keep the ears clean to prevent infections.

Your German Angora will not get baths unless it gets itself into something that requires it, and baths can scare the rabbit, then you should not attempt information technology unless necessary.

Habitat, Tank Atmospheric condition & Setup


The German Angora is a fairly big rabbit, so it will demand a big muzzle whether you lot continue it indoors or exterior. Almost experts recommend a cage size of 36-inches wide past thirty-inches deep and 24-inches high to provide your rabbit with plenty space to move around. It will also demand several hours outside the cage each twenty-four hour period to get the activity it needs to stay salubrious and avoid becoming overweight.

Nest Box

Nest boxes are especially important if your German language Angora will be raising litters. It needs to exist big enough that your rabbit can get in and build an adequate nest. Most experts recommend the nest box be at to the lowest degree 12-inches long by xviii-inches broad and 8-inches deep for best results.

Food Dish

The type of food dish you employ isn't important, but it should be easy to clean and accept no sharp edges. It will also demand regular inspection to ensure it remains free of cracks, rust, and mold.

H2o Bowl

Virtually rabbit owners prefer to employ a plastic or glass bottle with a drinking tube to hydrate their pets. This system prevents contaminants from getting into their h2o supply, but you will need to be careful if you use a plastic bottle to leak PCBs into the water. If using glass, you'll need to make sure information technology doesn't suspension.


Standard forest or paper bedding is perfect for your German language Angora, and yous should provide plenty of it to create soft padding for their feet, but non so much that the rabbit kicks information technology out of the muzzle. You will also demand to provide an countless supply of timothy hay that they tin chew on.

Do German Angora Rabbits Get Forth with Other Pets?

High german Angora rabbits are quite large, so if y'all socialize them early, they can often go forth well with many canis familiaris breeds and even about cats. Still, you lot don't desire to put them in a situation where they need to run and hide constantly. Running can hurt your German Angora. It can also trip on its fur and overheat from also much activity.


What to Feed Your German Angora

Besides plenty of timothy hay that y'all will need to provide your rabbit in unlimited supply, your German Angora will eat a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and pellets. Commercial rabbit pellets similar Oxbow Essentials Rabbit Nutrient will provide your pet with the properly balanced diet that information technology requires for long and good for you life.

Keeping Your German Angora Healthy

The German Angora rabbit is a salubrious breed that can live a long life of vii to 12 years with few vet visits.

GI Stasis

GI Stasis is a blockage in the German language Angora's intestines due to its ingesting its long hair every bit it grooms itself. This hair builds up in the system and can be life-threatening if you don't catch information technology early. The best mode to prevent GI Stasis is to keep the rabbit sheared every 3 months, so the hair doesn't get as well long.

Household Objects

Rabbits love to chew things, and your German language Angora volition be no dissimilar. It's important that before y'all allow your rabbit to roam freely in your home, you lot rabbit-proof it by hiding or removing all wires and other things your rabbit might misfile with timothy hay. Wire chewing tin can be expensive, damages your equipment, might assassinate your rabbit, and could cause intestinal problems.


Information technology's very easy to brand your German language Angora fat by feeding it likewise many treats. If you similar to reward your rabbit with treats or fruit, you lot volition need to keep a shut middle on their weight. Rabbits dear to eat and will have no trouble putting on several pounds, leading to several health problems, including diabetes, heart affliction, and an increased run a risk of cancer.


Considering the American Rabbit Breeders Association does not recognize the German language Angora rabbit as a stand-alone breed, it'due south a lot harder to find a breeder that creates them. The best chance of finding one is at a pet store where a fur subcontract might sell some of its surpluses or go straight to a fur subcontract where they might have one they are willing to sell.


Are German Angora Rabbits Suitable For You?

Yes, the German Angora rabbit makes a wonderful household pet. Its huge book of hair volition make it a big hit with the children and guests, and it requires very little maintenance to keep them looking great. They don't shed, so you won't see nearly equally much fur on your clothes or piece of furniture that yous would with a dog or cat, and you'll need to go them sheared then you'll take your very own wool factory if you know how to use it to make fabric. It loves to play, isn't afraid to let yous pet it or acquit information technology around, and information technology gets along pretty well with other animals. It will even come to you lot if you call it and volition larn to utilize a litter box. What's not to honey?

We promise you have enjoyed reading over this curt guide, and information technology has convinced you to requite i of these unique pets a try in your abode. If you found information technology informative, please share this guide to the German language Angora rabbit on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Hidden Springs Subcontract, Shutterstock


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